Government planning policies

Using the government's policies

If you want to create your own Neighbourhood Plan, you'll need to make sure your plan meets the standards laid out in the national guidance.

For developers, your applications for planning permission to develop on sites across the borough must also follow the guidelines and policies set out by the government.

The government doesn't allow us to approve plans or applications which conflict with the guidelines laid out in the national framework.

How the council uses the government's planning policies

We have to make sure our Local Plan and other planning policies adhere to the guidelines the government has set out.

We've prepared our local plan to meet these requirements. All the policies in our Local Plan have to be inspected by central government before they can be adopted.

Contact Strategic Planning team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 924252

Address: Strategic Planning
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9.15am–5.15pm