Documents supporting the Local Plan
These are the documents that help us create the Local Plan.
They include policies, research and reports.
- Supplementary Planning Documents and planning and development briefs - a set of guidance documents for developers which provides advice and support on a range of topics.
- Evidence Base - a collection of studies and background research that helped us to create the Local Plan.
- Simplified Planning Zone - a plan which allows blanket planning permissions for certain types of developments in a specified area.
- Local Development Scheme - sets out the timetable for the production of the local plan documents.
- Statement of Community Involvement - states how and when we'll consult with you and other members of the local community.
- Authority Monitoring Report - our authority report that monitors and assesses how we've delivered the local plan so far and identifies improvements we can make to our policies and objectives.
- Government Planning Policy - when we create any part of our Local Plan, it needs to follow the government's standards and guidelines.