Special collections at the library

BBC micro:bits

Thanks to the Micro:Bit Foundation, you can now borrow micro:bits from Castleton, Littleborough, Middleton, Norden and Rochdale Central libraries for up to 3 weeks.

What are micro:bits?

The BBC micro:bit is a mini-computer you can code, customise and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life.

How can I borrow a micro:bit starter kit?

If you're a library member, you can borrow a micro:bit starter kit which contains one of all of the following:

  • BBC micro:bit
  • Battery pack with batteries
  • Small USB cable
  • Safety leaflet and how-to guide

Who can borrow a micro:bit starter kit?

You need to be at least 14 years old to borrow a starter kit. If you're under 14, you can ask an adult to borrow one on your behalf.

You can use the library catalogue to borrow and reserve a micro:bit which you can then collect and return to any library in the borough.

What if my micro:bit is broken?

If your borrowed micro:bit is damaged or malfunctioning, please return it to your nearest library so we can replace it for you.

Reserve a micro:bit

Contact Library Service

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8876

This phone line is open Monday–Friday 9am–5pm

Library events

There are lots of events and activities taking place in our libraries from IT training, reading and poetry groups to writing workshops, knitting groups, coffee mornings and more.​​

Events in libraries

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