Doorstep Library Service

If you have difficulty getting to your local library, we can deliver library items to your home.

The Doorstep Library Service is free.


The Doorstep Library Service is available for Rochdale borough residents of all ages. You do not have to be a member of the library to join.

You can join if you:

  • Have limited mobility due to a physical disability or through old age.
  • Have a learning difficulty or a mental health disorder.
  • Are registered blind or partially sighted.
  • Are frail or in poor health.
  • Are a full-time carer.
  • Need the service on a temporary basis, for example, while you recover from an operation or illness.

How the service works

If you're a member of the Doorstep Library Service:

  • We'll visit you every 4 weeks with new items. You can tell us which items you'd like to borrow from the library catalogue.
  • You can borrow as many items as you think you can read or use between visits. We recommend between 8 and 12 items.
  • When we visit, you can keep any items you haven't finished and return the rest to us. We'll renew the items for you so you don't need to worry about fines for late returns.
  • You can ring us on 01706 924408 at any time to request any specific items to bring on our next visit. If no one answers, you can leave a message and we'll pick it up when we're back.
  • We can also help you get online, access our free BorrowBox Service for e-books, use your smartphone or tablet, set up email addresses, and much more.

Items you can borrow

You can borrow most items available on the library catalogue.

This includes:

  • Books, including large print books and children's books
  • Audiobooks on CD
  • Jigsaws

Browse the library catalogue 

Join the Doorstep Library Service

To join:

  1. Email or call 01706 924408 requesting to join. Please include your name, phone number and reason for joining.
  2. We'll ring you back and discuss what types of items you'd like to borrow and arrange a time to visit with your first set of library items.
  3. You'll then be a member of the Doorstep Library Service.

Contact Library Service

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8876

This phone line is open Monday–Friday 9am–5pm

Library events

There are lots of events and activities taking place in our libraries from IT training, reading and poetry groups to writing workshops, knitting groups, coffee mornings and more.​​

Events in libraries

Join the library

Become a member and get free access to thousands of books, audiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers. You can also access a range of online resources including Ancestry UK and BFI Replay, a film and TV archive available only in libraries.

Join the library