Working well Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

Skills and qualifications JSNA

A high proportion of people in Rochdale borough have few qualifications. In the latest Census figures from the Office of National Statistics 2021, it was estimated that 12.1 per cent of the working-age population in Rochdale had no qualifications (Office for National Statistics).

The importance of education to health

Education is an important mechanism for enhancing the health and well-being of individuals because it reduces the need for health care and the associated costs of dependence, lost earnings and human suffering. It also helps promote and sustain healthy lifestyles and positive choices, supporting and nurturing human development, human relationships and personal, family and community well-being.

Working to improve the skill bases of people in local and regional labour markets may help to attract more skilled employment to the area and contribute to improving the quality of work. This is particularly important in areas such as Rochdale and much of the North of England, where a skills deficit exists alongside greater health inequalities.

The impact of poor employment on health

There are 4 ways in which the nature of work can adversely affect health (PHE, 2015):

  • Adverse physical conditions of work
  • Adverse psychosocial conditions at work
  • Poor pay or insufficient hours
  • Insecurity of temporary work and the risk of redundancy or job loss

The most important determinant of an employee's work quality is their position in a company's hierarchy: jobs that are manual and routine are more likely than professional and managerial jobs to have health-adverse conditions, though this isn't universally the case.

Statistics on skills and qualifications

Supporting information on skills and qualifications

Contact Public Health and Wellbeing Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925035

Address: Public Health and Wellbeing
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm