Ageing well JSNA

Mental health and wellbeing in older people

In 2019/20 76.7 per cent of social care users in Rochdale reported feeling safe, which is higher than the national average of 70.2 per cent(Adult social care outcomes framework). The recorded prevalence of dementia in the borough in people over 65 in 2020 was 3.61 per cent, below the England rate of 3.97 per cent according to NHS Digital.

Outcomes wanted for older people's wellbeing

The outcome wanted for older residents of Rochdale is that they have a positive sense of wellbeing, feel safe and not isolated, and are able to cope with any long term conditions or ailments. Not all social care users are older adults but the proportion of people using services who feel safe can be used as a proxy measure for older people.

Promoting good mental health requires more than the prevention of mental ill-health. An important element of mental health promotion work is promoting the mental wellbeing of those with mental health problems.

Mental health issues in older people

Mental health and wellbeing are of great importance to older people. There is a range of mental health issues that affect the whole population and there are specific issues that are more prevalent in older people. It is important to note that everyone has mental health needs whether or not they have a diagnosis of mental illness.

There are a number of issues that can make older people more vulnerable to mental health problems such as social isolation, illness, providing unpaid care and bereavement. There is also a range of ways that older people's mental health can be protected such as by ensuring social interaction, control and dignity.

Statistics on mental health and wellbeing in older people

Information and guidance on mental health and wellbeing in older people

Contact Public Health and Wellbeing Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925035

Address: Public Health and Wellbeing
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm