Adult wellness JSNA

Community safety

There were 51.6 violent crime offences per 1,000 people in Rochdale borough in 2021/22. This is above the England rate of 34.9 (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities).

The importance of community safety

Feeling safe and secure is essential to wellbeing. Priorities around community safety raised by local people include reducing and supporting victim based crime, tackling all aspects of domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour, alcohol and drugs and serious organised crime.

The impact of crime on health

Violence and crime have major impacts on health and well-being affecting victims, witnesses, families and wider communities. The British Crime Survey estimates that over 2 million incidents of violence are committed in England and Wales each year. This figure excludes child victims of violence, such as those suffering through child maltreatment, bullying and youth violence. Crime is preventable, not inevitable.

This section looks at community safety in the borough and includes crime types, antisocial behaviour and keeping people safe.

Statistics on community safety

Guidance and information on community safety

Contact Public Health and Wellbeing Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 925035

Address: Public Health and Wellbeing
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm