You can help us make lasting improvements to your local parks and countryside by becoming a Green Volunteer.
We provide training, equipment, protective clothing and everything else you need to be on the team. All you need to do is turn up, roll up your sleeves, give it a go and enjoy yourself.
Get involved
To volunteer you must be 18 years old or older.
Whoever you are, you'll be made welcome as a Green Volunteer.
You can attend volunteer activities during the week or at the weekend, at a variety of sites from Hollingworth Lake in the north of the borough to Alkrington Woods (Middleton) in the south.
Ring 0300 303 8884 to get involved as a Green Volunteer
Our work so far
The Green Volunteer scheme started in December 2007.
Since then, volunteers have:
- Re-opened local countryside paths that had become blocked with overgrown vegetation.
- Kept countryside traditions alive by learning about and doing hedge-laying and dry stone walling.
- Delivered hundreds of wildlife habitat improvement projects with our local rangers.
- Joined existing gardening clubs at Denehurst and Springfield Park to make our parks blooming beautiful.
- Helped deliver environmental education activities at Hollingworth Lake.