Primary school home learning resources

Lessons and activities - Key Stage 2

Your child’s school will provide you with work, which should help to create a structure for home learning.

Here are some links to websites that offer different online lessons and activities you could also use to support learning at home.

  • List of online education resources on GOV.UK - these websites have been identified by some of the country's leading educational experts and offer a wide range of support and resources.
  • Virtual school library - access to free books from a different popular author every week. This is a joint project with Oak National Academy and The National Literacy Trust.
  • David Walliams - hosts a daily story time on weekdays. The books are well-written, exciting storylines that should keep children interested in reading.
  • Timestables - provides support to learn multiplication tables, the site also allows you to create a log in for your child to help track progress and collect rewards.
  • Twinkl - new activities on a range of subjects. You will need to create an account. For free access use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS.
  • BBC Bitesize - new lessons every weekday, accompanied by videos, activities and other interesting bits.
  • Oak National Academy - lesson plans across a range of subjects.
  • Our Rochdale - a variety of home learning activities available for all ages.
  • Literacy Trust - books for children up to 12 years old.
  • BBC Super Movers - fun curriculum-linked resources to get your child moving while they learn.
  • Joe Wicks' P.E. daily workouts - Joe Wicks leads daily weekday workouts on his YouTube channel.
  • Michael Rosen - kids' poems and stories with the author Michael Rosen.
  • The National Literacy Trust Communication and literacy - downloadable activities, guidance on literacy milestones, fun things to try with your child and lots more.
  • Rochdale Reimagined - encourages pupils to look at new ways to use historic buildings and spaces in Rochdale. Pupils become 'honorary architects' and design something amazing.

Contact Early Help and Schools Services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8801

Address: Early Help and Schools
Floor 4
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm