Stoptober - free expert quit smoking support

Used cigarettes in a glass ashtray.
Stop smoking for Stoptober and you're 5 times more likely to quit for good.

Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Location: see individual event for details

Cost: Free

About this event

1 October 2024–31 October 2024. Over 25,000 people in the borough of Rochdale still smoke, and it is the biggest cause of preventable illness and death.

  • Who is this event suitable for? For adults.
  • Do I need to book? No you can just come along to any of the events.
  • Contact:
  • Event organiser: Rochdale Borough Council with Living Well

Stoptober is back and calling on smokers in England to join thousands of other smokers in trying to quit smoking for good.

You’re 3 times more likely to be successful if you get support from the borough’s stop smoking service, Living Well. Over a number of free appointments (either in person or over the phone), they can provide you with free stop smoking aids (like patches, gums, and e-cigarettes) and expert behavioural advice and support. This includes a quitting plan, information on how to manage cravings, and how best to use your quit aids.

Drop in to one of the free events below to speak to a Living Well adviser throughout Stoptober to learn more, or call 01706 392 210 to speak to a member of the team.

When you stop smoking good things start to happen – quitting will allow you to start moving better, breathe more easily and give you more money to spend. You can also search ‘Stoptober’ for more information on other support, or visit the Better Health Quit Smoking Website.

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health, pocket, and family. Join the thousands of others who are committing to quitting for the month of October – quit smoking for 28 days and you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good.

Events in Rochdale

Events in Middleton

Events in Heywood  

Events in Pennines


​Events and activities are not organised by Rochdale Borough Council unless stated otherwise. Neither is Rochdale Borough Council responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. If you are under 18, ask your parent or guardian before taking part in any event or activity.

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