Contaminated land

The former Turner Brothers Asbestos (TBA) site investigation

The former Turner Brothers Asbestos (TBA) site is a privately-owned site of approximately 30 hectares. It's situated 1km north-west of Rochdale town centre.

The site has a long history of industrial use including asbestos manufacture dating back to the 19th​ century. Although we do not own the site and our power to do anything with it is very limited, we want to find a long-term future for it that is safe and sustainable.

​Update​s on the former TBA site

If you have any questions, please get in touch using the contact details on this page. 

  • Tuesday, 9 November 2021 - in November 2021 the site ownership of the former TBA site changed, ESG Trading Ltd acquired the site. The local community may see activity on the site as the new owners undertake surveys and investigations into their new acquisition.
  • Thursday, 19 September 2019 - an update on the site was provided to the Spotland and Falinge area forum. Read the September 2019 TBA site update.
  • Tuesday, 21 February 2017 - ​work finished on site. The samples will be analysed and the site monitored before the final conclusions report is prepared.
  • Tuesday, 3 January 2017 - ​investigation work started on the main factory area. ​​Residents around Broadlea Grove, Dell Side Way and Fallowfield Drive were advised there may be some noise associated with the works. Work ended by 5pm each day.​
  • Thursday, 22 December 2016 - site works paused for the festive break.
  • Friday, 9 December 2016 - ​due to winter conditions and the festive break, work on the site was extended until the end of ​January 2017. Our air monitoring period was also extended to accommodate this.​​
  • Monday, 21 November 2016 - drilling began. Residents around Harridge Avenue, Dell Road and Dell Side were advised there may be some noise during the week associated with the drilling. Work ended by 5pm each day.​
  • Monday, 14 November 2016 - investigation started


An investigation between November 2016 and February 2017 assessed the ground quality at the former TBA site and looked at potential environmental issues, filling in the gaps in knowledge gained from previous investigations. We have not received a copy of the report.


The area is a former industrial site and there are known hazards on the land. The public should keep to the public pathway. The site is private land and there is a security presence on site. If you're aware that your children are attempting to access the site, you should discourage them.

We pass concerns we receive to the site owner - where photos or videos can be provided. In May 2019 we reported concerns about scrambling bikes to the site owners and asked them to tackle this.

Air sampling

We commissioned a monitoring investigation of airborne asbestos fibres around the perimeter of the site from August 2015 to March 2017.

From the results of the independent testing and the fact that only 1 fibre was identified from August 2015 to March 2017, there is no evidence of any significant risk to the health of those residing in areas surrounding the site.

More information about the air sampling investigation


Here's a timeline of events at the Turner Brothers Abestos site.

  • ​1890 - site is largely open fields. Mill recorded as “Clod Mill” in the south west corner of the site. Harridge Mill (with associated rail sidings) and “Tenters” in the north
  • 1910 - south western part of the site expanded and recorded as “Asbestos & India Rubber Works”. Harridge Mill in the north is recorded as disused​
  • 1920 - Harridge Sidings in the north expanded
  • 1960s - the site in the south expanded to its present-day extent
  • 1990s - asbestos materials ceased to be manufactured at the site. Buildings occupied by various small tenants
  • 2008 - tenants all vacated site
  • 2013 - suspected arson attack in February causes significant damage to the structure of the older buildings
  • 2013 - some buildings demolished and those left targeted by vandals
  • 2014 - ​further fire in January, cause unknown

Contact Environmental Health Services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8871

Address: Public Protection Service
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am