Voter ID statistics

Voter ID statistics from the May 2023 local elections

These Voter ID statistics were gathered from polling stations at the local elections held on Thursday, 4 May 2023 in the borough of Rochdale. 

Total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations: 119,717

Data for publication

  • The total number of polling station electors who applied for, but at least initially were not issued with, a ballot paper: 252
  • The total number of polling station electors who were not issued with a ballot paper and who later returned with an accepted ID and were issued with a ballot paper: 156
  • The number of polling station electors who applied for but were not issued with a ballot paper by close of poll: 96

Contextual information

  • The total number of electors who were eligible to vote in person at the polling stations: 119,717
  • The total number of voters issued with a ballot paper at polling stations: 23,635
  • The percentage of electors eligible to vote in person at the polling stations who voted: 19.7 per cent

Proportions of those who tried to vote in a polling station

  • The percentage of those who attended the polling station and were able to vote on Thursday, 4 May 2023: 99.6 per cent
  • The percentage who applied for, but were refused, a ballot paper by the close of poll: 0.4 per cent
  • The percentage of electors who applied for, but who were initially refused, a ballot paper: 1.1 per cent
  • Of the electors initially refused a ballot paper, the percentage who later returned with an accepted photo ID and were issued with a ballot paper: 61.9 per cent

Election results


Contact Elections Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0345

Address: Elections Team
Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am