Register to vote

How to register to vote

The deadline to register to vote in a particular election is 12 working days before the date of that election.

  • It's important to make sure your details are up to date on the electoral register. You do not need to provide your gender when registering to vote. 
  • You can register online in just 5 minutes. You'll need to give your name, address, date of birth and National Insurance number.
  • You need to register yourself - a family member cannot do it for you. If you're unable to register yourself, it’s ok to get help filling in the details but you must make the declaration yourself.

You can register online at the link below or complete a paper application form, which you can download on GOV.UK.

Register to vote on GOV.UK

Can't find your National Insurance number?

You can find your National Insurance number on documents such as payslips, letters about benefits and tax returns.

Don't have a fixed address?

If you have no fixed address you can still register to vote.

You need to make something called a ‘declaration of local connection’ to show that you're connected to and spend time at a particular place. You can normally only do this for one place.

You'll still need to provide your date of birth and National Insurance number and register using the usual form on GOV.UK.

The electoral register

The electoral register lists the names and addresses of everyone who’s registered to vote.

You can opt-in or out of the open register at any time. When you opt out of the open register, your details will still appear on the full version of the electoral register.

Opting out does not affect your right to vote.

I am a member of a Gypsy, Roma or Traveller community

If you live in permanent housing or have been staying at a site for a substantive length of time you can register at that address.

If not, you should register without a fixed address. To do this you will need to fill in a form titled ‘Electoral registration form for someone with no fixed or permanent address' and give details of where you spend most of your time.

I am currently homeless

If you are living in temporary accommodation, such as a hostel, you may be able to register at that address, as long as you don’t have a permanent address somewhere else.

If you are homeless or do not have a fixed address you can still register to vote by filling in a form titled ‘Electoral registration form for someone with no fixed or permanent address’.

Contact Elections Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0345

Address: Elections Team
Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am