Postal voting

How to vote by post in the Rochdale constituency or the Heywood and Middleton North constituency

When will I receive my postal vote?

You'll receive a ballot in the post around 10 days before election day. If you live outside the UK, it'll take a bit longer for it to reach you.

The ballot pack will include all the instructions about how to complete it and cast your vote.

When we receive your ballot paper, we'll mix it with all the other votes before counting begins. This ensures your vote remains secret.

How to apply to vote by post

You've got the option to vote by post, rather than visiting a polling station.

Who can vote by post?

Anyone who is registered to vote can apply to vote by post. If you're not registered to vote you can use the link below to register. 

What you need to know about your postal vote

You can apply for a postal vote any time throughout the year or no later than 5pm, 11 working days before polling day. We strongly advise you to apply early - don't wait until an election day is set. 

  • Once you've received your postal vote, remember to post it back to us as soon as possible using the envelope provided.
  • You don't need to provide photo ID to vote by post.
  • If you move house, you must tell us immediately or you may lose your postal vote.
  • You will receive your ballot paper in the post. Complete and return your ballot paper, ensuring you leave enough time for us to receive it by 10pm on the day of the election.
  • We must receive your postal vote by the time the polls close at 10pm on polling day for it to be counted, so please remember to post it in plenty of time. If you can't post your postal vote pack in time, you can either take it to your polling station, polling place, or bring it to Rochdale Customer Service Centre at Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU until 10pm on polling day.
  • If you haven't received your postal voting pack in time to vote, you'll need to bring approved photo ID, by 5pm on polling day, to pick one up in person at Rochdale Customer Service Centre. View Rochdale Customer Service Centre location and opening times | Check which constituency you can vote in.
  • If you are registered as a postal voter and wish instead to vote in person, you will need to cancel your postal vote before you can vote in person at a polling station.
  • If you're unable to leave your home to post the vote because of health or mobility problems, please ring us on 0300 303 0345 to have it collected. 
  • You now need to reapply for your long-term postal vote every 3 years. If you have a long-term postal vote that you applied for before 31 October 2023, this will expire on 31 January 2026. 

Posting your ballot

Your ballot pack includes an addressed envelope for you to put your completed ballot in. 

  • You can use a different envelope if needed. 
  • You can put all the postal votes for your household in one envelope.
  • If you forgot to put something in the envelope after you sealed it, you can open it - you must put your initials where it was opened and resealed.
  • If you post the envelope without the ballot paper inside, please post your ballot in a different envelope or hand in it at Number One Riverside.
  • Enter your postcode to find postboxes near you using the Royal Mail website
  • If you've health or mobility problems and cannot post your vote, please contact us. We'll arrange for someone to collect your vote instead.

Replacement ballot papers

If you need a new ballot paper because you've lost it or didn't receive one:

  1. Visit the council's main building at Number One Riverside.
  2. You'll need to bring photo ID and proof of address, for example, passport, driving licence, bus permit, student card.
  3. The earliest you can get a replacement is 4 days before the date of the election and the latest is by 5pm on election day.

If you've voted for the wrong person, you do not need a new ballot paper. Please cross out the incorrect vote and mark the paper with the correct vote. Do not use Tippex or any other correction fluid.

Cancelling your postal vote

If you want to cancel your postal vote, please contact us using the details on this page by 5pm, 11 working days before the election day - see more about cancelling a postal vote

Handing in your postal vote in person

If you've applied to vote by post you cannot vote in person at a polling station but you can hand in your completed postal ballot pack at a polling station or Number One Riverside

When you hand in your postal vote in person you will be asked to complete a form.

Receiving a postal vote for the previous occupier

If you receive a postal vote for the previous occupiers of your home, do not use it. 

Please send the postal vote back to us marked "occupant no longer lives here" or bring it to Number One Riverside.

Video on how to fill out your postal voting pack

This video will show you how to fill out your postal voting pack step-by-step.

Contact Elections Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0345

Address: Elections Team
Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am