There are no scheduled referendums.
The last referendum was held on Thursday, 23 June 2016. In a referendum, you vote on a single question.
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011
In accordance with Regulation 4 (1) of the above regulations, the number that is equal to 5% of the number of local government electors shown in the revised register of electors, having effect on 15 February 2025, is: 8,404
This number will be used for the purposes of determining the validity of Petitions presented to Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council from 1 April 2025–31 March 2026.
Where the verification number published in 2026 is less than the number published in 2025, the number to be used for verification purposes, in relation to any petition presented in the period beginning on the date of publication of the lower number and ending immediately before 1 April 2026, shall also be that lower number.
The principal office address for the delivery of any petition is set out below.
Steve Rumbelow
Electoral Registration Officer
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU
Dated: 15 February 2025