The electoral register

Buy the open register

To buy a copy of all or part of the open register:

  1. Contact us using the details on this page.
  2. Pay the fee by cheque or cash. Cheques should be made payable to Rochdale Council. Cash payments need to be made in person at Number One Riverside.
  3. Tell us how you'd like to receive the register. You can request us to email it to you, have it on a disc or printed out. 

Email to buy the open register

Contact Elections Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0345

Address: Elections Team
Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am

Electoral register related content