Register to vote
The deadline to register to vote in a particular election is 12 working days before the date of that election.
Register to vote
Register to vote in advance as a younger person
In the UK you can go on the electoral roll as an ‘attainer’ at the age of 16. By registering in advance, you'll already be on the electoral roll when you turn 18 and will be eligible to vote.
More on registering to vote
Parliamentary constituencies have changed
Check to make sure you know which parliamentary constituency you can vote in.
Enter your postcode to find the parliamentary constituency you can vote in
Remember you need photo ID to vote
You'll need to show an approved form of photo ID before voting in a polling station. This is to improve the security of the voting process and reduce the risk of voter fraud.
Apply for photo ID
Emergency proxy votes
If you have a medical emergency, are away for work, or your photo ID is lost, stolen, destroyed, or damaged, you can apply for an emergency proxy vote up to 5pm on polling day.
More on emergency proxy votes

Local Members of Parliament (MPs)
Details of the Members of Parliament (MPs) representing the borough of Rochdale.
See MPs details
Council business, publicity and events during the pre-election period
During the pre-election period, there are restrictions on council business, publicity, events and communications.
More on the pre-election period
Get help with photo ID or anything to do with voting at the next election
Contact us if you need help with photo ID, voting, access at polling stations or anything to do with the next election.
We have also linked to information from the Electoral Commission in easy read, Braille, British Sign Language (BSL) and plain text. In addition, we have information for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, older people, people experiencing homelessness, anonymous voters, and trans and non-binary people.
General election
Things you need to remember for the next election.
- Have I registered to vote?
- Do I know my parliamentary constituency?
- Do I have photo ID?
- Have I got photo ID to take to the polling station?
- If not, have I applied for a free voter ID?
- Have I voted?
Don't lose your vote. You need to be registered to vote before you apply for a photo ID.
More information
Visit the Electoral Commission website or call 0800 328 0280 for more information on:
Follow election updates on social media
Leader of the council's blog
The leader of the council writes about what's happening at the council and how we're working hard to make the borough better for everyone.
Have your say
Find out about the various ways you can contact us, comment on future plans or take part in consultations.
Attend a committee meeting
All committee meetings are open to the public, unless indicated. View meeting dates, times and related documents.
Decision making
Policies, strategies and reviews
We use policy and strategy documents to guide our decisions. We also use them to develop and run our services fairly and consistently.
Councillors and committees
Councillors are responsible for agreeing provision of services and how the council's money is spent.