Taxi Licensing Privacy Notice

Privacy notice name
Taxi Licensing Privacy Notice
Last updated
Wednesday, 7 September 2022.

We're responsible for regulating the number of taxis or Hackney Carriages in the borough. We do this through a licensing scheme which ensures taxis are safe, suitable and charges are fair. The Council has a legal duty to ensure that an individual is a fit and proper person to hold a Hackney carriage or Private Hire Driver licence.

What personal information we collect

We collect personal information to make sure that we can carry out our work. The personal information we collect includes:

  • Name.
  • Address.
  • Telephone number.
  • Email address.
  • Age and date of birth.
  • Medical records.
  • Disability.
  • Nationality.
  • Criminal and offending data.
  • Driving license number.
  • Vehicle registration.
  • National Insurance number.
Who we collect personal information about

When we collect personal information it may be about:

  • Applicants.
  • Offenders.
  • Complainants.
How we use personal information

We, as the Licensing Authority, collect and record the personal data that you provide, along with any supporting documentation, in order to process your licence application to regulate private hire and hackney carriage licensing activities within the Borough.

Appropriate measures are in place to protect your personal data.

Why we use your personal information

We're required by law to regulate the number of Taxis or Hackney Carriages in the borough. This is detailed in legislation and guidance including:

  • Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
  • Public Health Act 1875.
  • Town Police Clauses Act 1847.

We're allowed to process personal and sensitive data for the following reasons under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Articles and the Data Protection Act:

  • Public task or statutory function.
  • Necessary to comply with a Legal Obligation.
  • Substantial public interest.
Who we share your personal information with

We provide information to the National Register of Taxi Licence Refusals and Revocations (NR3S), which involves sharing details of individuals who have had a hackney carriage driver or private hire driver licence revoked, or an application for one refused or where an existing licence has been suspended.

We may share your information with other Council Services and organisations that can support our work.

Automated decision about your personal information
All applications for a new licence or licence renewal will automatically be checked on NR3S.
How long we keep your personal information
We will maintain information on NR3S for a minimum of 11 years.
Transferring personal information beyond the EEA
This service doesn't transfer your information outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

We do not routinely share data with any organisation outside the UK, but our website is available across the internet and we communicate with applicants and stakeholders wherever they are.
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