Car boot sales licence

Licence name
Car boot sales licence
Do I need a licence?

You'll need a licence from us​ if you want to hold a car boot sale, craft fair, table top sale or other similar sale in the borough of Rochdale.

How to apply

To apply for a car boot sales licence, including an exemption from the licence fee:

  1. Complete the online application form below.
  2. Make sure we receive your application at least 14 days before you plan to hold your car boot sale.
  3. We aim to contact you about your application within 14 days of receiving your application.
  4. After your car boot sale, we'll contact you to take the licence fee payment.

Apply for a car boot sales licence online

How much it will cost


You can apply for an exemption if you're holding a car boot sale to raise money for charity or a good cause. You don't need to pay the fee if your exemption is approved.

Conditions to meet

There are no conditions to meet unless you're applying for an exemption.

If we approve your exemption request:

  1. We'll send you a returns form which you must complete after you hold your car boot sale
  2. You must return this to us within 14 days from the date of your car boot sale. On the form, you must give full details of the money collected and any expenses taken out from this.
  3. You will receive an acknowledgement from us within 7 days confirming we've received and checked your returns form.
  4. If you fail to send in this returns from within 14 days from the date of your car boot sale, you will then receive notification that your exemption is cancelled and you'll need to pay the licence fee.
Does tacit consent apply?

Yes, tacit consent applies. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us after 14 days of receiving your application form.

Validity and renewals

Your car boot sale licence will only cover the car boot sales listed on your application.

If you wish to hold another sale, you'll need to apply again.

Appeals, complaints and redress

If you want to appeal a decision, please contact us using the link below in the first instance.

Contact us