Specialist Housing and Supported Living Needs Assessment

Specialist Housing and Supported Living Needs Assessment

We wanted to understand in detail the current and future needs for Specialist Housing and Supported Living Needs across the borough of Rochdale.

We wanted to approach this collectively and co-produce the work and therefore products that are developed from the needs assessment.

The Housing LIN (Learning Improvement Network) support local government organisations to understand the need for specialist and supported living accommodations working in partnership with the council to undertake a detailed needs assessment.

The purpose of this research is to make sure we have robust evidence that will help us to plan for how we meet the housing needs of people who require care and support both now and in the future.

The evidence is intended to be used to inform our local plans and strategies.

This needs assessment took place throughout 2024. The initial findings were shared and reviewed early in 2025.

Document last updated
Friday, 7 March 2025
Document type