Capital Investment and Disposal Strategy

Capital Investment and Disposal Strategy

​The Capital Investment and Disposal Strategy forms a key part of our asset management and property investment strategies. It summarises the framework for all aspects of our capital programme, including planning, prioritisation, management and funding. It also links our vision and priorities with forecasted capital resources and capital expenditure budgets. Linking into the Medium Term Financial Strategy, this ensures all revenue implications have been recognised and provided for in our revenue budgetary forecasts.

The strategy covers:

  • Capital expenditure – including asset management planning and governance
  • Investments and liabilities – including approach, due diligence, risk appetite and performance
  • Treasury management – covering governance, planning and risks/sensitivities with respect to capital investments
  • Skills and knowledge – detailing the skills, knowledge and training available to us in making investment decisions
Document last updated
Thursday, 30 March 2023
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