The Allocations Plan proposes areas and sites around the borough to build or develop up to 2028.
It also details possible uses for each of the sites. Our Allocations Plan is currently in draft form.
It provides details needed to demonstrate how the spatial vision, strategic objectives and scale of growth outlined in the Core Strategy will be delivered.
The Allocations Plan will support our Core Strategy and together will replace the Unitary Development Plan documents from our previous Local Plan. View our Core Strategy which shows our vision for the borough by 2028.
What's included in the Allocations Plan?
The Allocations Plan includes the following:
- Sites for new housing and employment developments
- Designated employment areas
- Proposals for new transport infrastructure
- Town, District and Local Centre boundaries and primary and secondary shop frontages
- The green infrastructure network and associated designations
- Protected open land
- Other sites and designations appropriate for the borough
Draft maps
View individual site locations and maps for possible developments for:
- Employment sites
- Employment zones
- Town and district centres
- Shopping areas and frontages
- Local centres
- Housing sites - Heywood
- Housing sites - Middleton
- Housing sites - Pennines
- Housing sites - Rochdale
- Environment sites and designations
- Transport sites
Brownfield sites
The Allocations Plan promotes the use of brownfield sites as the main areas to develop on.
We want to focus on developing more on underused land and buildings rather than our green spaces.
We've identified a number of new brownfield sites in the borough which can be used for new developments, particularly housing.
Next steps
We're currently reviewing all your feedback and comments from the consultation we held in 2018.
We'll then make some amendments to the plan, if necessary.
We'll publish another version of the plan and run another consultation so we can hear your thoughts on the updated version.