Arranging a funeral

Types of funerals

There are a few different types of funerals you can choose from

Independent funerals

Some people feel that personally organising a funeral is their final tribute or it may simply be a way of saving money.

An independent funeral can mean taking responsibility for collecting and moving the body, arranging embalming and viewing of the deceased, providing a coffin, hearse and arranging the service or it can just mean arranging the burial and service.

Environmentally-friendly funerals

There is a move towards a more 'green' type of burial which promotes biodegradable coffins and gives the option of a woodland burial.

The Natural Death Centre is a charitable project and provides information to help people arrange inexpensive, family-organised, and environmentally-friendly funerals.

The Natural Death Centre

Non-religious funerals

There is no requirement to have a religious ceremony or any kind of ceremony at all at a funeral.

A family member or friend may say a few words at the service if preferred. If you don’t want a ceremony at all, members of the family or close friends can attend the committal which can be in silence, or with some music being played.

You can choose to have a Humanist ceremony where the proceedings involve a celebration of the person's life through readings, tributes and appropriate music. At this type of funeral, the services of a celebrant are commonly used.

You can find information on choosing a celebrant for a non-religious funeral ceremony by searching the internet.

Funeral related content

Contact Bereavement Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 645219

Address: Bereavement Services
Rochdale Cemetery
Bury Road
Rochdale OL11 4DG

Opening times:
Monday–Friday 8.30am–12noon and 1pm–4.30pm.

The cemetery office is open Monday–Friday from 8.30am–12noon and 1pm–4.30​pm for visitors and enquiries.