Complaints, compliments and comments

Adult and children social care service complaints

If we do something that you're not happy with, you have a right to complain. All complaints are treated seriously, and we will do our best to sort out whatever problem or concerns you may have. This helps us to make sure that we provide the best possible service to you.

Who can complain

You can make a complaint about any social care service that we provide. 

Your carer or someone acting on your behalf can also make a complaint on your behalf.

Before you complain

If possible, talk to the member of staff or team you already have contact with and let them know what you're unhappy with and the reasons why. We may be able to resolve the problem there and then.

If you don't want to talk to the team or staff member you usually deal with, you can ask to speak to or write to a manager. If you do ask for a meeting, you can take a friend, relative or advocate along with you to help you make your complaint.

If you're not happy with the response, you can ask for your concerns to be looked at as a formal complaint.

Make a formal complaint

To complain about:

  1. Residential services, daycare services for adults, foster care services, including complaints from foster carers - make a complaint to the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  2. Daycare services for children - make a complaint to Ofsted.

You can also contact:


We record all complaints we receive so we can use use the information to learn and improve services. We want to hear your views and want you to be confident in sharing them. 

The nature and content of your complaint will be dealt with in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to anyone who does not need to know. 

Get advice about your complaint

Some complaints may be covered by different legislation or local authority systems and you may need advice to find the right way to complain.

You can get this advice from:

  • Your Social Care Service officer
  • Your care home or resource centre
  • Contacting us, by using the contact details on this page
  • A solicitor, if your case goes to court

Data about adult and children social care service complaints and compliments

We publish data about the complaints and compliments we receive regarding adult and children's social care services.