Problems paying your Council Tax

If you're struggling

If you're struggling to pay your bill:

  1. View your Council Tax balance online to see how much you owe.
  2. Work out how much you can offer to pay us.
  3. Get in touch with us. Do not wait for reminder or other letter from us as it's best to discuss your account with us at the earliest opportunity. We can also advise you to apply for existing benefits or schemes you may be entitled to such as Universal Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support, Council Tax discounts and exemptions.

Get in touch, ring 0300 303 8870.

How to work out how much you can pay

List all the money you have coming in - yours and your partner's take-home pay, benefits, income from people who live with you and other regular income, such as works pension or maintenance.

Then list where your money goes. Your rent and mortgage are the most important bills. Your Council Tax payments take priority over debts such as credit cards, catalogues and loans.

Contact Council Tax services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8870

Address: Revenues and Benefits Service
PO Box 490
Rochdale OL16 9AJ

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am