Who we work with

Who we commission services from

We commission some of our services from other bodies and work in partnership with those bodies to ensure services are delivered in accordance with agreed standards.

Our key partners are Your Trust and Rochdale Development Agency.

Your Trust

Your Trust provide arts, sport and heritage services in the Rochdale borough. We've commissioned them to provide these services under a Partnership Agreement.

Your Trust Rochdale Boroughwide Cultural Trust

Rochdale Development Agency (RDA)

Rochdale Development Agency is the lead organisation driving regeneration and development in the borough of Rochdale. We established RDA in 1993 as a not-for-profit company to take a lead role in driving regeneration and development within the borough. While RDA has strong links with the commercial sector, it still maintains a close link with us and has appointed specific representatives on its board who believe this cooperation is vital in delivering the borough’s vision for the future.

Rochdale Development Agency (RDA)

Contact Committee Services

Address: Governance and Committee Services
Floor 2
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU