Corporate Services Directorate

Julie Murphy
Julie Murphy - Director of Corporate Services (Section 151 Officer).
The postholder leads the Corporate Services directorate staff in the delivery of quality services to both internal and external customers.
They work closely with the Chief Executive in supporting the successful delivery of the council's corporate priorities.
The Corporate Services directorate is responsible for finance, revenues and benefits, internal audit, fraud, risk management, insurance, human resources, legal and governance, communications team, digital, IT, registration and celebrant services, coroners service and, corporate policy, performance and improvement.
This post is statutory appointment identified in Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Responsibilities include:
- Leading and managing an effective and responsive financial service by maintaining strong financial management and effective financial controls.
- Contributing to corporate management and leadership.
- Supporting and advising both elected members and council officers in their roles.
- Leading promotion and delivery by the whole organisation of good financial management, so that public money is safeguarded at all times and used appropriately, economically, efficiently and effectively.
Deputy Chief Finance Officer
Samantha Smith - Deputy Chief Finance Officer.
The post holder is responsible for Finance, Revenues and Benefits and is designated as Deputy Section 151 Officer.
Responsibilities include:
- Ensuring strong financial management and controls.
- Production of statutory annual accounts.
- Development of the council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.
- Overseeing the collection of revenues through Council Tax and Business Rates.
- Overseeing the awarding and monitoring of benefits for residents of the borough of Rochdale.
Assistant Director and Monitoring Officer
Suzanne Antrobus - Interim Assistant Director, Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer).
The postholder is responsible for Legal Services, democratic services, governance, audit and risk, information governance, corporate complaints and elections.
The Monitoring Officer is a statutory appointment under Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
Responsibilities of the Monitoring Officer include:
- Reporting to the Council and to the Cabinet in any case where they are of the opinion that any proposal or decision of the authority has given rise to or is likely to or would give rise to any illegality, maladministration or breach of statutory code under Sections 5 and 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (LGHA 89).
- Investigating any matter which they have reason to believe may constitute, or where they have received an allegation that matter may constitute, reportable incident under Sections 5 and 5A of the LGHA 89.
- Acting as the principal adviser to the authority's Hearings Sub-Committee and Audit and Governance Committee in respect of standards and conduct issues.
- Maintaining the register of members' interests.
- Acting as the Proper Officer for the preparation, publication and retention of records of decisions taken by or on behalf of the council and the executive.
- Undertaking, with others, investigations in accordance with the council's whistleblowing procedures.
More about the Monitoring Officer role in the council constitution
Assistant Director
Rosemary Barker - Assistant Director, Workforce, Communications and Policy.
The postholder is responsible for human resources, payroll, pensions, organisational development, health and safety, communications team, and corporate policy, performance and improvement.
Responsibilities include:
- Provide advice and guidance to the leadership team on all workforce matters and to elected members to support corporate plans, decision-making and overall strategic management.
- Provide strong professional leadership and vision on the defined disciplines to make sure the services within the postholder’ remit deliver cost-effective high-quality service.
- Lead responsibility for the workforce equalities programme.
Assistant Director
Nicola Strapps - Assistant Director, Digital, ICT and Transformation.
Responsibilities include:
- Provide advice and guidance to the leadership team on all ICT, digital and transformation matters and to councillors to support corporate decision-making and overall strategic management.
- To ensure the council’s ICT and digital needs are delivered efficiently and effectively.
- To drive transformation and reform of service delivery in range of areas, delivering significant cashable financial benefits as result.
- Develop and ensure successful delivery of an overall transformation programme.
- Lead on the council’s transformation and reform delivery arrangements, making innovative thinking and approaches to delivery and where appropriate linking outcomes to Greater Manchester initiatives.