Our Integrated Commissioning Team works with our providers and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to oversee and support the raising of quality and service delivery standards.
To do this, they:
- Manage and monitor contracts to enable you to improve quality through an agreed quality management performance framework.
- Provide a named contract manager and quality assurance officer to support you. This includes assisting with any queries you may have relating to performance management of the contract and the use of our quality assurance resource tool to help improve services.
- Follow the commissioning cycle to develop new service requirements as identified in our Market Position Statement.
- Meet the objectives set within our Rochdale Borough Locality Plan for health and wellbeing.
- Provide up-to-date information on potential future commissioning opportunities through the provision of a Market Position Statement.
- Ensure providers are updated on the Rochdale Borough Locality Plan for health and wellbeing.
- Develop positive working relationships and work with key stakeholders to ensure quality services are provided.
- Shape the local market to encourage a quality service offer, along with choice, across the borough of Rochdale.
- Provide a forum to assess the market and the potential impact of national and Greater Manchester initiatives through regular meetings with providers.
- Continue to develop the range and quality of services on offer at a local level.