Commissioning documents for health and social care providers

This page contains key documents if you're interested in working with us to supply adult health and social care services in the borough of Rochdale. 

Locality Plan for health and wellbeing

This is the overarching plan that describes how we'll upscale prevention and deliver a new model of care to improve health and wellbeing outcomes.

It also describes how we'll reduce health inequalities for people in the borough, within a financially sustainable health and social care system.

Rochdale Borough Locality Plan

Accommodation Strategy and Market Position Statement

The Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy and Market Position Statement support the ambitions and vision of the Rochdale Borough Locality Plan for health and wellbeing. It identifies key gaps and needs in our current adult social care provision specifically relating to accommodation for people with additional support needs.

The Market Position Statement aims to provide insight into the supply and demand for adult social care services in the borough of Rochdale and brings together information about the local economy and the current and future plans for adult health and social care.

Market shaping is the way we work together with partner organisations, people who access care services, their carers and families. Through this approach, we facilitate the market in the area for care, support and related activities.

Adult Care Accommodation Strategy and Market Position Statement

Contact Adult Care Commissioning Team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 922841

Address: Adult Care Commissioning Team
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Opening hours:
Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm