Sustainability goals and outcomes

Social sustainability goals

Social sustainability is about creating healthy and liveable communities for current and future generations. Socially sustainable communities are equal, diverse, connected, democratic and provide a good quality of life.

Our social sustainability goals are for:

  • No poverty: this means providing better housing and building resilience to natural disasters and events.
  • Zero hunger: this means improving access to food and supporting healthy eating.
  • Good health and wellbeing: this means encouraging healthy lifestyles and providing healthy places and spaces.
  • Quality education: this means offering courses and education about green issues and developing skills to work in green sectors.
  • Gender equality: this means more women are involved in climate action and working in green jobs.
  • Reduced inequalities: this means getting more younger people involved in green issues and helping vulnerable groups to benefit from climate action.
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions: this means effective governance and engagement and putting in place strategies and plans.

Contact Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team

Address: Corporate Policy, Performance and Improvement Team
Floor 3
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU