Accommodation for care leavers

Where you live will be an important decision as you become more independent.

We'll support you in finding a safe and stable home in the borough of Rochdale.

If there's a reason for you to not live in the borough of Rochdale, we'll help you to explore your options in other areas.

Housing options for care leavers

When you turn 18 years old, we'll help you choose the most appropriate accommodation to meet your needs.

Your options include:

  • Independent living: This means you live on your own in a rented property and have your own tenancy agreement through Rochdale Housing Solutions. We'll support you in making your application and meet with the housing officer to make sure that you're a priority for housing. Find out more about Rochdale Housing Solutions.
  • Supported Lodgings: this is where you live with someone in their home and get support with practical tasks until you're confident to live on your own. You'll be able to stay in a supported lodgings home until you're 21 years old.
  • Trainer or taster flat: this is a home to ‘test’ and develop your living skills whilst receiving a high level of support from your personal adviser.
  • House project: this will be your own tenancy while accessing ongoing support to gain essential skills for independent living. Find out more about joining a house project.

Feel like you're not ready to live independently yet?

It's understandable if you're nervous about living independently and looking after yourself. There are other options you could consider:

  • Staying put with your carers: If this is what you and your foster carer want we'll support you to remain with your foster carers under what is called a ‘staying put’ arrangement. You can stay with them until you turn 21 years old or whenever you feel you're ready for independent living.
  • Living with friends or family: if this is an option that you wish to consider, your personal adviser will support you and your friends or family to make sure that you get the support you need for this to be successful.

Accommodation support for care leavers

As well as helping you choose your accommodation, we'll also:

  • Provide you with a weekly allowance (equivalent to the benefit rate) until you receive your first benefit payment.
  • Help you to spend your Setting Up Home Allowance of up to £3,000 to furnish your first home.
  • Support you to claim your Council Tax discount if you're living in Rochdale until you turn 25 years old. Find out more about the Care Leaver's Council Tax discount.

If you're living outside the borough of Rochdale, we'll help you contact the local authority in the area you live in to request an assessment to determine if you have to pay.

How to get accommodation support for care leavers

To get our support you can:

  • Get in touch with us using the contact details on this page
  • Speak to your personal adviser or social worker


Contact Cared For Children's Team

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 0440

Address: Cared For Children's Team
Floor 3
Fashion Corner
57–59 Drake Street
Rochdale OL16 1XL

Monday–Friday: 8.30am–4.30pm