Reduce your business rates

You may be able to reduce your business rates in certain circumstances.

Apply for a reduction

Please ring us to apply for any of the business rate reductions listed or to get more information.

Ring 01706 926170 to apply for a reduction

Charities and not-for-profit organisations reduction

Charities are entitled to 80% off business rates. This includes charity shops, provided that the goods sold are wholly or mainly donated.

We may also grant discretionary relief to not-for-profit clubs and organisations including Community Interest Companies (CIC). We consider each application on its own merits.

Sports clubs reduction

Sports clubs registered as Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) with HM Revenue and Customs qualify for 80% off their business rates.

It may be possible to award a 20% top-up discretionary relief in some cases. To apply for this you'll need to send us proof of registration as a CASC.

Part occupied relief

We have the discretion to give relief to a business that is partially occupying a property for no more than 6 months. This is typically part of a phased move in or out.

The amount of relief that can be granted will be determined by the Valuation Office Agency who will assign a rateable value to the unoccupied element of the property.

Contact Business Rates Team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 926170

Address: Business Rates Team
Resources Directorate
Revenues and Benefits
PO Box 490
Rochdale OL16 9AJ

Opening hours:
Monday–Friday, 8.45am–4.45pm