Problems paying your business rates

Liability orders

Magistrates grant a liability order to give us more powers to help recover the outstanding business rates.

A liability order allows us to take any of the following actions if you don't pay your business rates.

We can:

  • Use Enforcement Agents who may take your goods to sell to cover the amount you owe
  • Create a winding-up petition for your company
  • Liquidate your company
  • Start bankruptcy proceedings against you
  • Obtain a charging order

Some of these recovery actions may increase the amount you owe by adding costs. To avoid these additional costs, you should make arrangements with us to pay.

Contact Business Rates Team

Telephone: Click to call 01706 926170

Address: Business Rates Team
Resources Directorate
Revenues and Benefits
PO Box 490
Rochdale OL16 9AJ

Opening hours:
Monday–Friday, 8.45am–4.45pm