Apply to demolish a building

It's free to apply for a Section 80 demolition.

  1. Complete the application form and submit it with a location plan showing the building and adjoining streets. Make sure you submit these at least 6 weeks before you intend to start work.
  2. We'll consult with utility companies and adjoining owners and occupiers. 
  3. We'll send you a Section 81 notice detailing our requirements for demolishing the building.
  4. You'll need to contact utility companies to stop their services supplying the building.

Apply to demolish a building

Not redeveloping a building

If you're demolishing a building and not redeveloping at the same time, you must apply for planning permission and display a site notice.  

You must also prove to us you've displayed the site notice for 21 days out of the 28 day determination period. To do this, you can send us a photo or a copy of the notice, including written confirmation of the date it was displayed on site.

Listed buildings

If you are proposing to make alterations to a listed building, you'll need listed building consent.

Bring your property back into use

You may want to consider bringing your property back into use.

There are several loans and schemes available to help you.

Contact Building Control

Telephone: Click to call 01706 924327

Address: Building Control
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Opening hours:
Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.30pm