Insurance claims

Personal injury claims

Your letter of claim to us must include:

  • The name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number and phone number of the injured person.
  • If the injured person is under 18 years old, then their parent or guardian can write and sign the letter of claim on their behalf.
  • Time, date, exact location of the defect alleged to have caused the injury using static landmarks and your direction of travel. You may find preparing a sketch plan to be of benefit.
  • Outline of what happened, including a description of the defect. Please supply any photographs of the defect including the general area, ​this will help identify the precise incident location. Please confirm or deny any previous knowledge of the defect.
  • Outline the injury sustained, including whether medical treatment was obtained and where.
  • Finally in your own words, why you hold Rochdale Borough Council responsible for the incident.

Using a solicitor

​​​​​​Alternatively, you're free to seek independent legal advice from a solicitor who you may wish to instruct to act on your behalf.

Once we receive your claim, it's dealt with in exactly the same legally dictated manner whether you use a solicitor or not. ​

Contact Insurance Services

Address: Insurance Services
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU