Tracing your family history

Using burial records

You can find your ancestor's grave by searching the burial records held at cemeteries. Graves will usually tell you the year of birth or death of the person as well as the names of spouses or children.

In the borough of Rochdale, we hold burial records for:

  • Dearnley cemetery - held at the Local Studies Centre at Touchstones Rochdale
  • Heywood Cemetery - held at Heywood Library
  • Middleton old cemetery - held at Middleton Library
  • Middleton cemetery - held at Middleton Library
  • Rochdale cemetery - held at the Local Studies Centre at Touchstones Rochdale

You can view the records in person for free at the Local Studies Centre, or you can ask us to search for you for a fee.

Contact Bereavement Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 645219

Address: Bereavement Services
Rochdale Cemetery
Bury Road
Rochdale OL11 4DG

Opening times:
Monday–Friday 8.30am–12noon and 1pm–4.30pm.

The cemetery office is open Monday–Friday from 8.30am–12noon and 1pm–4.30​pm for visitors and enquiries.