Business and trade waste

Any waste generated from a commercial activity is classed as business and trade waste. This could be from any premises used for trade or business, sport or recreation, education or entertainment.

Changes to workplace recycling from 31 March 2025

From Monday, 31 March 2025, if your business employs 10 people or more, you need to have separate bins and collections for:

  • Cardboard and paper
  • Food waste
  • Glass, metal and plastic

If your business employs less than 10 people, these changes apply from Wednesday, 31 March 2027.

How to get rid of your waste

As a business, you have a duty to organise your own commercial waste removal and recycling.

The council is not responsible for the removal of business and trade waste.

Several licensed waste disposal companies in the area can set up a contract to remove business, trade, hazardous and special waste.

Get rid of business waste on Recycle for Greater Manchester website

Your responsibilities

You must:

  1. Sign a Trade Refuse Agreement with a carrier who is legally authorised to carry waste and pay the charges.
  2. Take your rubbish to a licensed disposal site but you cannot use the public civic amenity sites for free tipping. If your waste is discovered to have been disposed of illegally, even by your carrier, you or your company could face legal proceedings. Recycle for Greater Manchester has created a SCRAP code that may help you prevent your waste from being fly-tipped. View Recycle for Greater Manchester's SCRAP code
  3. Make sure that you complete the waste transfer note and provide a written description of the waste. Normally, your carrier will produce this for you as part of your agreement.
  4. Keep a copy of all documentation for 2 years. You can be prosecuted if you cannot produce full records for the last 2 years.


Contact Environmental Management Services

Telephone: Click to call 0300 303 8884

Address: Environmental Management
Green Lane
Heywood OL10 2DY

Monday–Friday, 8.30am–5.30pm

Closed for training Monday 11am–11.30am