Apply for a landlord licence

Conditions and criteria

The person applying is a "fit and proper person"

Rochdale Borough Council will check to ensure that the person applying for the House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence is a "fit and proper person". In deciding whether someone is fit and proper, we must take into account, amongst other things:

  • Any previous convictions relating to violence, sexual offences, drugs and fraud
  • Whether the proposed licence holder has broken any laws relating to housing or landlord and tenant issues
  • Whether the person has been found guilty of unlawful discrimination
  • Whether the person has previously managed HMOs that have broken any approved code of practice

The proposed licence holder or managing agent may be asked to submit a Disclosure and Barring Service along with the application if the above checks are not satisfactory.

Granting a licence

Anyone who owns or manages an HMO that must be licensed in Rochdale has to apply to Rochdale Borough Council for a licence. The council must grant a licence if it is satisfied:

  • The HMO is reasonably suitable for occupation by the number of people allowed under the licence
  • The proposed licence holder is a "fit and proper person"
  • The proposed licence holder is the most appropriate person to hold a licence
  • The proposed manager, if there is one, is a "fit and proper person"
  • The proposed management arrangements are satisfactory
  • The person involved in the management of the HMO is competent
  • The financial structures for the management are suitable

For an HMO to be reasonably suitable for occupation for a relevant number of people, we will use prescribed standards the government set. The standards cover, amongst other things:

  • Number, type and quality of bathrooms, toilets, washbasins and showers
  • Number, type and quality of food storage, preparation and cooking facilities
  • Fire precautions

If the property doesn't meet the conditions set out, or if the licence holder or manager is not a "fit and proper person", we can refuse to licence the property.