Virtual school for cared for children

We Care resources

We sometimes hear from our Cared for Children that they are being bullied, stereotyped or don’t get their voices heard. To answer these criticisms, we turned to our own Rochdale Cared for Children and asked them to tell us a little bit about their stories.

The result is this film, ‘We Care’. The tremendous amount of time, effort and care that they put into this film is testimony to both their own commitment and their strength of feeling about wanting to be heard. ‘We Care’ sends a strong message to all of us. To listen, to really hear and to treat young people who are in care for whom they are – each an individual, defined, not by us, by themselves, for themselves; each with a past story; many, many strengths; and also bright futures ahead.

Resource pack

Download We Care resource pack – access a resources pack for ideas on how to use ‘We Care’ in schools and settings.