Assets of community value

Assets of community value are areas of land or buildings within the borough that enhance the social wellbeing and interests of the local community.

Local organisations and community groups can register an interest to potentially buy an asset of community value.


There are certain eligibility criteria the land or building must meet.

Nominate an asset

To nominate a building as an asset of community value, complete the nomination form and return it by email or post using the contact details on this page.

We'll consider your nomination and let you know our decision within 8 weeks. It's not possible to appeal this decision.

Assets of Community Value Nomination Form

Register of assets

We hold a register of nominations for the assets of community value we receive. This register includes both successful and unsuccessful nominations and will remain on the register for 5 years from the date the decision was made.

Once a property is registered as an asset of community value, interested parties including the owner will be notified of our decision. 

View the register of assets of community value

Disposing of an Asset of Community Value

Once an asset is listed, the owner cannot dispose of it without letting the authority know.

Community groups will then be given 6 weeks to decide if they want to make a bid (the Interim Moratorium).

If they do, then there will be a 6 month moratorium period (the Full Moratorium) during which the owner cannot sell the asset. It is important to note that the owner does not have to sell the asset to the community group.

When an owner lets us know that they want to dispose of an asset on the List, we will: 

  • Let the nominating group know.
  • Publicise the owner's intention to dispose.
  • Amend the List of Community Assets to show the end dates of the interim and full moratorium periods and the protected period. 

We'll display notices here when we receive them.

Contact Legal Services

Telephone: Click to call 01706 924700

Address: Legal Services
Number One Riverside
Smith Street
Rochdale OL16 1XU

Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm